Asbestos Waste Disposal
Merryhill operates a licensed waste transfer station for the disposal of asbestos waste.
As a hazardous material, asbestos has to be disposed of in accordance with regulations. These apply to both domestic and commercial clients.
Asbestos was a widely used building material used extensively in the UK from before 1900, up until the year 2000 when it was eventually banned. Most asbestos materials remain safe so long as they are not removed or disturbed without necessary precautions.
Should a material need to be removed, then the first thing to do is ensure the material non-licensed. By that, we mean an asbestos license is not required to remove the material. Non-licensed materials include items such as floor tiles, textured coatings, asbestos cement, bitumen products and small items such as pipe / flange gaskets.
Commercial Clients
Are you a building contractor carrying out non-licensed work on behalf of your client? If so, we offer competitive disposal rates for for asbestos cement, floor tiles, plasterboard or plaster containing textured coatings (Artex).
All asbestos disposed at our site will be done under consignment note which you can keep for your records. This standard document from the Environment Agency means
If you’re a licensed waste carrier then you can bring any asbestos-containing materials to our depot for disposal.
If you do not hold a license, then we can collect from site for an additional fee. Please let us know where the site is before booking a collection.
For pricing details, please get in touch using the form below and will provide you with a quotation.
Domestic Clients
Have you removed some asbestos materials from your own home yourself? Need somewhere to dispose of the items?
In Hampshire, there are only a few council-run sites where materials can be disposed. Typically, these sites will only take asbestos cement, and the sheets will need to be smaller than 1200 x 600mm (approx. 4ft x 2ft).
Asbestos cement sheeting is typically larger than this, especially for larger structures like asbestos garages where the roof sheets can be around 3 metres (10ft) long!
In addition to cement, we can accept floor tiles, plasterboard with textured coating attached and smaller items such as gaskets.
If you are in any doubt about a material or need some advice, then please get in touch to discuss. Licensed materials should always be removed by a licensed asbestos removal contractor (like us). Licensed (more dangerous) materials include insulation board, thermal insulation and sprayed coatings.
Get a quote for asbestos waste disposal
If you’d like to bring your waste to us, then get in touch using this form and a member of our team will get back to you ASAP.
If you want to send any photos of the waste then click here to email or use WhatsApp on07500 980 378.
If you prefer to talk, then please call our office on 01794 515 848. Our lines are open from 8am-5pm Monday-Friday.
How to bring waste to our site
When transporting waste to our site, ensure it it double-wrapped or bagged in polythene. The parcels / bags should be sealed using something like cloth (gaffer) tape. If you need either polythene or tape provided, then please let us know and we can supply at additional cost.
Once confirmed, you will need to book an appointment to bring your waste to our site, please do not just turn up as there may not be someone available to receive your waste. This is especially important if you have a lot of waste as we will need to ensure adequate room is available in our skips.
Our waste transfer station is open from 8am – 5pm Monday-Friday and can be opened on weekends by prior arrangement.