Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition Survey
As this type of survey involves destructive inspection and asbestos disturbance. The area surveyed must be vacated, and certified ‘fit for reoccupation’ after the survey.
Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys are a more in-depth analysis used to locate and describe, as far as reasonably practicable, all asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in the building. The asbestos refurbishment & demolition survey will involve a more intrusive inspection, as necessary, to gain access to all areas of a building (or portions being refurbished), including those that may be difficult to reach.
Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition surveys are more intrusive and designed to identify all asbestos containing materials using more destructive techniques to access all elements of the buildings construction. The scope of the works should be agreed prior to the survey being carried out and may alter depending on whether the building is having a refurbishment or being demolished.
A site layout and any building plans, building specifications or architects drawings that may be available along with any documentation relating to previous asbestos work carried out on the property will need to be provided prior to the survey being carried out.
Once the survey has taken place, a report will be provided detailing the location of any asbestos containing materials (ACMs). Although the survey does not measure the condition of each ACM present, anything deemed to be unsafe or potentially dangerous will be highlighted.
Reasons for a Refurbishment & Demolition Survey
The aims for a more in-depth asbestos survey are to ensure:
- No one will be harmed by any work on ACMs in the property or equipment
- Any work undertaken will be performed by the right contractor and in the correct manner
Things to Consider - Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys

Know your History
Any building constructed prior to the year 2000 has the potential to contain asbestos containing materials.

Route your Asbestos Out
The Asbestos Management Survey is designed to locate as far as reasonably practicable the extent and presence of Asbestos Containing Material’s within a building or structure.

Use the Register
A risk assessment of any Asbestos Containing Material’s found to be present will be made and documented via the asbestos register.

Do not Break of Disturb
Asbestos only becomes a problem when it has been damaged or disturbed and the fibres become airborne.

Locate the Asbestos Register
All non domestic buildings must have an asbestos register or report ACM’s that have been identified in the initial survey. Someone should be responsible for the management of the register and ensure it is updated regularly.

Manage the Risk
An asbestos management plan should be created which will outline how any identified asbestos should be managed in order to minimise any potential risk.