Merryhill offer a comprehensive fly-tip clearance service. With the ability to remove significant amounts of waste and carry out the necessary segregation, we are often called by councils and landlords to assist with hazardous rubbish clearance.

One particular fly-tip project carried out this quarter was on a completely different level. Imagine an amount of waste so large it could be seen from space!

The site in the West of England had been a fly-tipping hot spot for a number of years. The patch of disused land was quickly becoming an eyesore for local tenants using the adjacent land.

Over 400 tonnes of waste removed from site, including asbestos cement sheeting.

Fly tip waste

Waste Segregation

In addition to the asbestos cement, the waste was segregated into the following waste streams:

  • Hazardous waste
  • COSHH, including paint and oil
  • Mixed demolition & demolition waste
  • Compostable waste
  • Clean wood
  • Contaminated railway sleepers
  • WEEE waste
  • Car tyres / wheels
Hazardous waste segregation

Project Management

Merryhill managed the whole project, using our own personnel to dispose of the asbestos waste. Given the scale of the task, Merryhill utilised the support of a local plant hire company to supply and drive a wheeled backhoe excavator. The machine was used to lift some of the heavy items and navigate the site which was primarily off-road.

Once the entire site was cleared, Merryhill also organised for the road to be blocked using concrete barriers. In addition to the barriers, the entrance to the site was also trenched to prevent unauthorised vehicles to access the site.

The project showcased Merryhill’s ability to work not only with asbestos and hazardous materials, but also other waste streams. This particular project was completed within the available timescale set by the client.

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